Sakura food diary: 16-22 June 2024

I’m starting this diary with a revelation – a home made peach tea in early summer is not a treat, it’s a necessity! The market was buzzing with people enjoying the sun. I had just bought fruit and veg for the week when the smell of fresh noodles coaxed me to a stall. “Tempura, chicken, beef or prawns?,” the vendor asks. Tempura sounds fine. And then I saw: “Home made peach tea”. On a glorious day like the one I had been having, it was an easy decision. “Could I also have peach tea please?”. He hands it over while preparing the noodles. I savour it and sip slowly but it’s way too good…

Also – food is so much better in a new place, with an old friend. We try Greek. She gets halloumi souvlaki, I go for a spanakopita – a greasy, fresh, doughy, hot and delicious spanakopita, with an ice coffee on the side. I’m stuffed!

It’s been my first time at a raspberry bark. It’s awfully simple, awfully healthy and awfully pink. And it absolutely melted in my mouth.

A raspberry bark is the best way to say farewell to spring and welcome summer. This is a very enticing fruit.

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